Living the Kingdom Strategy; Luke 9:1-6

2 years ago

Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 12/18/2022. With the significance of the parable of the Sower, the voyage to the "other side", and the three powerful healings still looming in the background, Luke presents a short narrative that beautifully illustrates the battle plan of the Kingdom of God. Up to this point in Jesus' ministry, He has performed all the preaching and healing of the people in Galilee by Himself. The twelve apostles (all ready chosen) have simply followed, watched and learned. Now it is time for them to implement their instruction and by doing so reveal the way the Kingdom of God will spread exponentially through the world. Although short and somewhat compressed, the impact of this event on the church cannot be underestimated. For Christ reveals the perfect strategy, totally dependent on the power of God, but implemented through the hands, feet and voices of men. After describing the strategy in detail, we will step back and consider why it is so important that the church continues to "go apostling", meaning to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom and share the healing compassion of Christ, with a darkened world. And through this to have our own encounter with the Holy and become the "apostlers" we are called to be-- by continuing to implement and live Christ's perfect Kingdom Strategy.

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