Oregon, a State Looking for New and Innovative Ways to Disarm Their Citizens

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses Oregon Ballot Measure 114, one of the worst pieces of gun legislation to come along in a long time. Worse yet, this legislative proposal is completely deaf to the clear holdings of New York Pistol & Rifle Assoc. v. Bruen. Its as if the "rule of law" only applies sometimes.

This legislation would do much to restrict Oregon's lawful and responsible gun owners by limiting magazine capacity. However, what is most troubling about this proposed legislation is that all Oregon residents will need to obtain a permit, from the State of Oregon, to just purchase a firearm. Does that training just include a two hour class? Oh no, it includes much, much more, most of which will never be available to Oregon residents. Watch closely everyone as this is something you can see in a state closer to home soon. Learn more and arm yourself with education today.
Applicable Statutes/Bills/Measures:

Oregon Ballot Measure 114. Ballotpedia. https://ballotpedia.org/Oregon_Measure_114,_Changes_to_Firearm_Ownership_and_Purchase_Requirements_Initiative_(2022)

Election 2022: Measure 114 could change how Oregonians handle their guns. https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/09/27/oregon-election-2022-measure-114-change-oregonians-guns-critics-nra-2nd-amendment-attack-gun-laws/69510259007/
Other Resources and How to Fight 114:

Stop114. https://stop114.com/

Stop114! Oregon Firearms Federation. https://www.oregonfirearms.org/stop-114

Vote NO on 114 (NRA). https://www.nraila.org/articles/20220915/oregon-vote-no-on-ballot-measure-114

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