2 years ago

Originally preached by Jeffrey Sapocinik on Wednesday, December 21, 2022.

This sermon will surely ruffle some feathers, particularly those in our independent Baptist ranks. Now as many of us are aware, the majority, save maybe a handful, of Independent Baptist Churches across Canada have been and will continue to celebrate Christmas in some capacity. I personally know of one church here in Ontario that holds
a Christmas Banquet and Cantata every year without fail. Many of these churches may reject many of the Pagan elements. Their pastors may be aware of the fact that Jesus was not born on December 25th. Yet, they still see fit
to Celebrate a holiday that is fully pagan in origin.

To illustrate this point, it is a fact of history that “Christmas” did not even exist with Christendom for the first three centuries. And when it did begin, it did so within Roman Catholicism. This point alone should garner the attention of those who claim to be Baptists, yet still celebrate Christmas in some capacity. Removing Santa Claus, reindeer, elves, wreathes, and the decorative elements and just focusing on Christ’s birth is still a form of religious syncretism. It still amounts to the mingling of the holy with the profane when you fully realize the
debauchery that this holiday was founded upon. We have heard it said many times that we need to “put Christ back in Christmas.” But I contend that He was never in Christmas, to begin with.

GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 120 Barrymore Rd, Scarborough, ON. M1J 1W8

☎️ 647-888-9560


GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH is an Historic Baptist Church standing for the ancient landmarks of Historic Baptists


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