Dont Trust the News

2 years ago

lies ,the storm of a generation.

self-fulfilling prophecy if the media gets you into a state where u are panicked and in flight mode and your amygdala is in overdrive .

create more of a problem then there would be if nothing was done at all.

news is 1000% propaganda and lies used to destroy lives cause panic and fear

cause the maximum amount of choas in peoples lives as possible

this is CIA psychological tatics for demoralization

part of MK ultra program

yahoo msn CP24 CNN other fake news outlets

posted Storm of a Generation

lies and manipulation will continue until everyone wakes up

covid masks was another sheep tester as the NIH studies proved they didnt work yet we pushed ahead and ppl still wear them today

However, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support this measure. Whether respiratory etiquette is an effective nonpharmaceutical intervention in preventing influenza virus transmission remains questionable, and worthy of further research.

news is all lies , manipulation and control for max stress cortisol hormones effects

to cause as much disruption as possible giving the most variables for the greatest chance of a BAD day

note- no medical masks cloth masks were as useless as Tredeau and Biden .

Medical facemask effectiveness is dependent on compliance and utilization in combination with preventive measures such as intensive hand hygiene. No direct evidence is currently available in humans supporting the recommendation of cloth facemask use to prevent respiratory infection

only studies that proved they were effective were n95 which nobody was using

now i hope everyone sees how media manipulates the public . this is a concern with elections

as Pierre Poilievre has apparently already won as the media highlights the best moments of him to persuade ppl in voting for him like they did with tredeau meaning

everyone is being manipulated and democracy is gone

20 parties exist yet only 2 always win supported by the media in a 2 term swing back and forth

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