Israel Forms New Government, Netanyahu Drops A Bomb Concerning Helping Pfizer-NTEB-DEC 23 2022

2 years ago


Before I tell you about this unbelievable development, please keep in mind that where Bible prophecy is concerned, Israel has always been and will always be the driver. Where is the Battle of Armageddon fought? In Jerusalem. The 7-year tribulation period is called the time of Jacob's trouble, right? The 144,000 witnesses are all Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel, and so on and so forth. With that in mind, today on the Podcast I want to tell you how Israel used the pandemic to create a nationwide genome biometric database, and gave all the information to Pfizer. Now the plan is to have every nation on earth build these databases and give them to Big Pharma. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Netanyahu just said that 'Israel became the lab for Pfizer' meaning the biometric information gathered from 98+% of the citizenry was given over to Pfizer to conduct experiments with. Who was the first nation to achieve a full vaccination status? Israel. Who was the first nation to roll out and require its citizens use a 'green health passport'? Israel. So the fact that Israel used the COVID-19 pandemic to create a biometric database on its entire population, and then colluded with Pfizer is huge news if the word Pharmakeia means anything to you. Today on the Prophecy News Podcast, we will look at all this and much more.

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