New Jersey: A State Working As Hard As Oregon to Keep Its Citizens Disarmed

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses one of the worst pieces of gun legislation currently kicking around the country, that being New Jersey Assembly No. 4769. This god-awful piece of legislation, if enacted into law, would required all New Jersey residents to obtain, first a license from the state, before they can exercise their Constitutional right. But this bill provides much, much more to New Jersey residents. New transfer rules, a whole new slew of places where individuals can no longer protect themselves, including all areas of private property, new training requirements are but a few hits in this new legislation. But wait, there's more. You see there is a whole new training requirement that will inevitably lead to no one being able to obtain a state license to exercise a right. Learn what you can do to stop this legislation and arm yourself with education today.

Contact Your State Legislator Today and Let Them Know to Oppose this Bill.
Applicable Statutes/Bills:

Assembly No. 4769.

More Info on A4769.
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