Jamie Lopez Star of "SUPER SIZE SALON" DEAD at 37- Latest Victim of WOKE FAD FAT ACCEPTANCE

2 years ago

Jamie Lopez Star of "SUPER SIZE SALON" DEAD at 37- Latest Victim of WOKE FAD FAT ACCEPTANCE

Jamie Lopez, the star of the infamous "Super Size Salon" documentary, has passed away at the age of 37 after a long battle with weight loss and weight gain.

Lopez, who was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in 2013, was a spokesperson for the "Woke FAT Acceptance" movement and often spoke out about her struggles with weight and body image.

Lopez's death comes at a time when the "Woke FAT Acceptance" movement is growing in popularity. Some have accused the movement of promoting an unhealthy body image and promoting unhealthy eating habits.

Lopez's death is another tragic reminder that weight is not a simple issue and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to all people.

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