Energy Attacks Manifest As Leg Pain? | Sufi Meditation Center

2 years ago

Q&A Talk Chapters :
00:00 When while reciting na’ats (prophetic praising) one gets an uncontrollable feeling of and yearning and love of Rasulallah ﷺ. Is that a tajalli (manifestation) to be hidden and not expressed? What should one do to hide since it is very uncontrollable?
05:12 How can we help ourselves from expressing anger during this type of jalali (majestic) tajalli?
08:54 Can the tajalli take the form of immense pain and pressure on the head and shoulders?
13:20 Sayyidi mentioned three points that energy can enter feet, belly button and the head. Does a toe fungus related to that?
29:17 During meditation when energy is coming to you can cats also absorb that energy and reduce the heat I feel?
40:13 What do you think is the role of women for da’wah (religious propagation) and propagating Islam in person and charities? Is there an adab (manner) different for women than men?
44:50 If clothing is left on the wash line overnight, will this carry negative energies?
47:33 Why even after putting into practice all the teachings as per my ability I still feel blocked in terms of energy?
51:43 Are sudden high fever and shivering shaitan (satan) attacks?

Recorded : 20220723

The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul.

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