FLUID Physics Simulation Blender 3D!! 🤔 | Satisfying Animation #shorts

2 years ago

“Fluid Physics Simulation Blender 3D”. Blender 3d.

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Check out my other accounts for daily content!
Instagram: @kennyphases (1.2M+ views)

TikTok: @kennyphases

Send me a DM on Instagram to learn how you can make awesome animations like these! Mentorship spots available.

My Blender Assets:

Creative Resources:
Blender 3D (3D Animation & Modeling): https://www.blender.org/
Adobe Premier (Editor): https://www.adobe.com/products/premie...
Zapsplat (Sound FX): https://www.zapsplat.com/
Cute Stock-Footage (Free Stock Footage): https://cutestockfootage.com/
PolyHaven (HDRI's & Textures): https://polyhaven.com/
CG-Trader (3D Models): https://www.cgtrader.com/
Mixamo (Free Animated Models): https://www.mixamo.com/#/
Quixel (Free Photo-Scanned Assets): https://quixel.com/
MetaHuman (Create an Avatar): https://metahuman.unrealengine.com/

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