SPECIAL PRESENTATION: The Scribe who missed Christmas (Based on Matthew 2)

2 years ago

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Have you almost missed Christmas? Some circumstances can make it hard to feel festive and joyful during this season. Some even reject the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. In this special audio drama performance based on events from Matthew 2, we meet a scribe who also missed Christmas.

MUSIC CREDITS: Stock Music provided by mv_production, from Pond5
PHOTO CREDITS: Thumbnail photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

0:00 Ministry Introduction
1:30 Lesson Introduction
6:06 Meet the Scribe
8:46 The Life of a Scribe
11:06 Living under Herod
15:30 Summoned by Herod
19:24 Answering Herod
22:59 The Opportunity
26:06 Cautionary Wisdom
28:29 Summary & Conclusion

#christmas #performance #audioperformance #missedchristmas #christmas2022 #messiah #kingherod #theater #matthew2 #evidence4faith
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My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3

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