JUAN O SAVIN- King of Misrule- a reading *clipped* Fireside-12 21 2022

2 years ago

The Fireside Chat is about a very dark time in our History. Saternalia played out by the Romans during this time of year was an event that was "looked" forward to. For the Evil that is going on right now the KING OF MISRULE is a NAZI and played by Zalensky the "ruler" of the failed state of the UKRAINE. What we are fighting is TRUE EVIL. here is a portion of the text from the Program and Juan takes us down this road.. yes you should cringe when they come to this part...
The festival was so widely celebrated that even the Roman soldiers serving in far flung provinces would cast caution to the wind in the magic of the season. It was common for soldiers to dress and talk as women. The King of Misrule could order torture for inexplicable reasons while he and his armies of fools were reported to have become very good at killing people.
Dasius of Durostorum was one of the early Saint's of the Orthodox church. He was a handsome and young Roman Soldier serving in an area we now call the Balkans on the shore of the Danube river. By lot's he was chosen as the King of Misrule, but being a Christian he chose not to stand before his Creator having soiled his last days in this world in drunken debauchery, lusty sin and murder. His comrades and commander spent days encouraging him to fulfill his allotted role and command them by misrule; but he would not relent and finally after many days he was beheaded for his crime.
Rome's historians tell us that Nero in his youth was appointed to rein as the King of Misrule. Apparently, it was a role he never fully disengaged from. Later in life when he commanded Rome his ambitions made him desirous to remake and reshape the city of Rome and then name it after himself. One wonders now…which bankers, union leaders and tax collectors tweaked his fancy with their profiteering delusions of a grander kingdom to come.
It turns out, Rome's most dangerous of enemies were not hiding without the great city, but within it.
After the fire, allegations of Nero's complicity were reinforced when he built a Golden Palace surrounded by pleasure gardens in Palatine, near where the great fires began in the bazaar by the circus. In his Imperial madness, Nero was reported to have employed the services of co-conspirators who on a particularly windy day, lit torches which were openly thrown at strategic places by men crying out that they were acting under orders. Perhaps they had received orders; or maybe they were just opportunistic looters who sought to plunder unhampered. Yeah….
The Roman historian Suetonius reported that Nero was said to have taken refuge at his private theater on Palatine Hill and there, on a magnificent stage overlooking the flame engulfed city below, he amused himself by playing the lyre and singing of the destruction of Troy; comparing and linking Rome's present destruction to the more ancient one. Seven days and six long nights the firestorm raged. Ultimately three quarters of the city was consumed. We can only wonder what vainglorious illusions filled Nero's imagination as he visualized a future city of his namesake; rising like a Phoenix from the ashes of his destruction.
Rome's historians also recount how those desperate people lining the roads and fields surrounding the burning heap despaired of life. Many would have preferred to die, having failed to save loved ones or possessions and without even food for a day; desperate and without any idea where or how to start again.
Afterward, when rumors of the conspiracy and Nero's involvement could no longer be contained. Nero's advisors, the hidden powers who are always behind the throne in every government, suggested a scape goat, and as Solomon said "there is nothing new under the sun". Using the same script that was later used after the Kristallncht fires in Germany, the cult of dark priests pointed a boney finger toward the new sect of Christian believers. First the Christians were compelled to identify and confess themselves as Christians and then a short while later the propaganda campaign began. Soon the city was awash with 'new' rumors about the dangerous beliefs of the Christians who were reported to have burned Rome because of their hatred for humanity and civilization itself. Once the rabble was properly roused, Nero's persecutions began; and with a vengeance. The rest of the citizenry were quick to disassociate themselves from the Christians for fear they would also suffer Nero's demonically inspired tortures. Fed to lions, crucified or covered in pitch and oil while lashed to stakes in Nero's pleasure garden, the Christian's became living/dying torches to light the paths in the nightmares of his dark soul.

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