The Soul & Substance Dualism (Part 1)

2 years ago

Part 1- Introduction to the Mind-Body Question & the Substance Dualism Answer

Note that this show was originally posted by me on the S&S website.

In the first part of my study on substance dualism and the existence of the Christian conception of the human soul, we first provide the context of where it fits into the field of the Philosophy of Mind known as the “Mind-Body Problem” and the two main issues of contention associated with it. We then go on to establish what the traditional Christian/biblical conception of the soul entails (outlining its structure containing various mental states, properties and faculties). A brief analysis of some of the similarities and differences between the human soul and animal souls is provided before addressing 3 of the main different types of substance dualist positions that Christian scholars have adopted.

This first Podcast merely establishes or clarifies the Christian’s claim about the soul and so next time in Part 2 we shall begin to turn our attention to demonstrating the veracity of such claims vs. skeptical arguments/positions against it. Part 2 will focus primarily on the first issue of contention regarding the nature of mental properties/states and seek to argue that they are non-physical.

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