Hungry Freaks Daddy by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention

2 years ago

This is the FIRST song from their first album, Freak Out! And was Frank ever on point with this Scathing attack on the ILLUSION that was America...remember, from his Teens, Frank was a Great Admirer of John Kennedy, and His Death seared the Truth about this World clearly into the Mind of Francis Vincent Zappa...that Monsters were Real, and that they created the Banks, and thru them proceeded to Claim Ownership over all of God's Lands thru Lies and Deceits...

Frank Zappa existed to be SOVEREIGN, Free to Create the Truth, so that the Many could come to See the Light, if they chose to...and this Song, from this BRILLIANT album, is pure Truth from beginning to end...

And in this song, Frank uses the Gazoo (or Wazoo to Frank) for Lyndon Johnson, the Monster, to replace the Pure Silver Trumpet of JFK...this is why U hear the Gazoo end each Musical phrasing, as it is a MOCKERY to the Divinity that JFK was Painting upon this Earth...and what LBJ gave to America were EMPTY PROMISES, that obfuscated his Rising Wars and Rising Prices so that America would soon become a House in the Flames of Hell itself...

And all along those Hungry Freak Dirty Hippies saw the Light in Jesus Christ, and the Way to Salvation, and they have been Demonized now by virtually everyone, including most of the so-called 'Truth', Here's to the Dirty Hippies who got things SO RIGHT...

So, sit back, Relax, and Process this incredible video, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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