The DE-masculinization of Prince Harry AND His Survival in America Looks Grim

2 years ago

I discuss some remarks that were made by Andrew Tate when he was on Piers Morgan's show Talk TV. I found the information he shared about Prince Harrying being demascluinize interesting.


24 November 2022

We have recently come under a targeted, completely unfounded attack based on bogus claims,
from someone making a career out of personal attacks in an attempt to gain viewership. We
deeply appreciate those creators that have come out in support for us, and people who have voiced
their refusal to participate in this cruel and vicious attempt to cancel and slander us.
We are also deeply shocked that he would encourage an attack on other creators, based
on warping information that has already been openly shared and available from the very
beginning. We ask that creators standby what they believe, and assess the claims for themselves.

Established Titles is a fun gift, meant for a good laugh and we have been absolutely
transparent about this from day one. To compare us to going into someone?s house and stealing is
deeply offensive, and not only undermines our own work, but the good work of the charities and
the creators that we have worked with. In the past two years, we have done more tangible work in
the preservation of the woodlands in Scotland than anyone else to our knowledge. This includes
donating to plant over 2 million trees and acquiring over hundreds of acres of land and
contractually committing to preserve it in its natural state. This year, we are slated to be Trees for
the Future's Giving Tuesday partner, matching all donations up to $50,000. I t is a shame that this
attempt to cancel us will make these efforts in the future that much harder.
All the funding for Established Titles has come from Galton Voysey Limited (which has
been mainly funded by William Wolfram). Without this funding, we would have never been able to
acquire our initial plots of land in Scotland or invest in bold marketing efforts as we have. This has
led to hundreds of acres of land being conserved, and millions of trees planted, not to mention the
thousands of smiles on people's faces as they gift it to their family members, loved ones, close
friends, and in some cases even their pets!
Galton Voysey has supported us since day one, even though they knew that their initial
funding for this conservation project would most likely lead to financial loss. This year alone,
Galton Voysey has made a multi-million dollar loss on Established Titles (sponsoring all those
videos isn't cheap!), but has continued to give their full support as they strongly believe that
Established Titles will not only grow to become a terrific business in the long run, but also a great
example of how you can do well by doing good. After all, what other business of our size has
planted over 2 million trees in such a short period of time, while conserving hundreds of acres of
We are extremely proud of the work that the teams at Galton Voysey, Trifecta Retail
Ventures and fail ventures have done across over 70 businesses around the world. I especially want
to thank William - many after making some money would simply sit back on a
beach somewhere drinking mai-tais, he has reinvested virtually all of the money that's been
made into funding new ventures and supporting young entrepreneurs even when the path to
profitability has been unclear or several years away.
I am American and moved to Hong Kong as a child from Paris with my family, before
moving to the UK as a young adult. I moved back to Hong Kong, as many do, for my family. To
use the place of my childhood as a tool in trying to create a witch hunt is mean and hurtful.
With respect to the other claims; there has been absolutely nothing new brought to light.
We bought a couple hundred acres of land in Scotland, have pledged to protect it and keep it as is
forever, and plant a tree with every order we get through one o f our tree-planting partners. We
have always been clear that our certificates are based on a historic Scottish custom o f calling
landowners Lairds/Lords or Ladies, and that it does not grant you the right to rule or make you a
member of any royal family, nor the right to a peerage.
We have always hoped that all our customers enjoy the experience as much as we do -
and the vast, vast majority of our Lord and Ladies do, but i f they don't for whatever reason, we
have always honored refund and cancellation requests fully, and we still donate to plant a tree for
the order regardless.
We appreciate the support we have received so far from both our customers and you.

Thank you,
Kat at Established Titles

The DE-masculinization of Prince Harry AND His Survival in America Looks Grim

#demasculinization #princeharry #survival #royalfamily #harryandmeghan #harkles #pdina #pdinalatest #pdinachannel

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