Another Batch Of Tor-M2K Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems Arrived In Belarus From Russia

1 year ago

Belarus has just received another batch of Tor-M2K anti-aircraft missile systems, the Belarusian Defense Ministry revealed in newly-released footage.

These images, which show the missile systems arriving in Minsk, were obtained by Newsflash from the Belarusian Ministry of Defence along with a statement on 23rd December.

The statement said: "The batch of weapons was received within the framework of the existing intergovernmental agreement on military-technical cooperation between Belarus and Russia."

The head of the Ministry's Main Directorate of Ideology, Leonid Kasinsky, said: "Just today [Thur] , another batch of Tor-M2K missile systems arrived in accordance with an intergovernmental agreement that’s part of the existing treaty on defence cooperation between Belarus and Russia."

"These systems will be provided to the designated military units in the coming days," Kasinsky added.

The Tor-M2K is an air defence missile that is designed to defeat fixed- and rotary-winged aircraft and attack helicopters, drones, guided missiles and other high-precision weapons.

Kasinsky noted that the Tor-M2K represent an effective tool for shooting down aerial targets at various altitudes.

This comes just days after the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko where they discussed mutual cooperation.

The meeting increased fears of Putin possibly attempting to coerce Lukashenko into opening a new invasion front in the war with Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine on 24th February in what the Kremlin is still calling a "special military operation". Today marks the 303rd day of the invasion.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that between 24th February and 23rd December, Russia had lost about 100,950 personnel, 3,005 tanks, 5,986 armoured combat vehicles, 1,984 artillery units, 414 multiple launch rocket systems, 212 air defence systems, 283 warplanes, 267 helicopters, 1,698 drones, 653 cruise missiles, 16 warships, 4,622 motor vehicles and fuel tankers, and 178 units of special equipment.

Russia has claimed that its casualties have been much lower but provides infrequent updates on its latest figures.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's call for an end to the war in Ukraine was called out by the United States for having shown "zero" interest in peace negotiations.

Putin said: "Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict but, on the contrary, to end this war."

"Sooner or later, any parties in a state of conflict sit down and make an agreement. The sooner this realisation comes to those who oppose us, the better. We have never given up on this," he added.

But the White House national security spokesman, John Kirby, said Putin has shown no willingness to negotiate and bring an end to the war conflict.

The US also claimed that the Wagner Group, a private Russian military company, received a shipment of North Korean rockets and missiles to support the invasion of Ukraine.

North Korea's foreign ministry has dismissed the claim as "false" and "absurd".

Spokesman John Kirby said in a press conference on 22nd December that Wagner has an estimated 50,000 personnel deployed in Ukraine, including 10,000 contractors and 40,000 convicts recruited from Russian prisons.

Russia is slowly rebuilding the shattered Ukrainian port city of Mariupol while replacing or completely erasing everything Ukrainian in it.

The majority of Mariupol's Ukrainian street names are being reverted to Soviet ones, while the Avenue of Peace that cuts through the city is to be renamed Lenin Avenue.

Germany's government said that it has nationalised energy company Uniper after the European Union approved for it to rescue the gas supplier and prevent energy shortage.

In other developments, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, met with Russian officials in Moscow to try and negotiate a protection zone around the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

The nuclear plant has six reactors and has been on the frontline of the war since early March - when it got placed under Russian military control.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said Russia may reduce oil output by seven per cent in early 2023 after European officials announced a price cap that is set to apply from 15th February.

Meanwhile, US State Secretary Antony Blinken said work is continuing to repair and defend Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, adding that the US is committed to standing with the government in Kyiv "for as long as it takes".

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