Maniac hummingbird is trying to keep me away #aggressive

2 years ago

Hummingbirds are generally not aggressive, but they can be territorial, especially when it comes to protecting their food sources. Hummingbirds are attracted to nectar-producing flowers and feeders, and they will often defend these resources from other hummingbirds or other types of birds.

During the breeding season, male hummingbirds may also be more territorial as they try to attract a mate and protect their territory. However, these behaviors are usually not aggressive, and hummingbirds will generally only engage in displays or vocalizations to defend their territory, rather than physical confrontations.

It's important to remember that hummingbirds are small and delicate, and it's not uncommon for them to fly into windows or other objects by accident. If you see a hummingbird that appears to be injured or in distress, it's best to contact a wildlife rehabilitation center or a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for help.


#hummingbird #aggressive #maniac

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