IS AUSTRALIA HEADING TOWARDS COMMUNISM ? Let’s have a chat in a communist scenario of oppression

2 years ago

HANG LOOSE RECLUSE podcast style chat in a scenario where we pretend we aren’t allowed to speak up about gov decisions and oppose authority.

We also include a recorded snippet from 6PR radio where a caller calls in and mentions how state political leader press conferences of Australian state leaders are contrived.

HLR knows this is the case as state leaders hand select journos for their press conferences.

There’s also a bonus HANG LOOSE RECLUSE song at the end of the video as recorded back in the early 2000s. The song is about our blood stained TV screen. I was calling it 20 years ago in this song. Check it out, it’s free to listen.

Thanks for watching and listening.

#australia #polticalpower #communism #socialism #government #pressconference #conspiracy #theorist #conspiarcytheorist

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