J Lou同Dan帶你探索機場新面貌 Explore Hong Kong International Airport with J Lou and Dan

2 years ago

每個令人興奮嘅旅程,由踏入機場一刻已經開始!機場各處都換上全新面貌,除左增設360度俯瞰停機坪嘅打卡位Sky Bridge,仲有唔同主題嘅多媒體專區、不同餐飲選擇同免費送貨服務、同埋唔同嘅設施等你探索同打卡!

即刻去片,跟住J Lou同Dan遊歷機場,下次旅行記得預留時間探索下喇!

The thrill of travel begins the moment you set foot in the airport. With new amenities high and low, Hong Kong International Airport looks and feels better to tour around than ever.

Mount the Sky Bridge for the panoramic view on the airport apron, enjoy a quiet time at the Waterfall Gardens, or visit our much-anticipated restaurants and shops with free delivery service, just to name a few.

Watch J Lou and Dan's journey through the airport, and take note of the spots you're going to make time for in your next trip!

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