POTA at Ralph Stover State Park 23 Apr 2022

2 years ago

A Parks On The Air activation at Pennsylvania's Ralph Stover State Park K-1410 on 23 April 2022.. I was hoping for a gang buster constant pileup activation but was rewarded with a slow plodding one. I did get just over 100 QSOs which put me well on my way to a POTA Kilo Award at the park. For this activation I was in the main section of the park instead of my preferred High Rocks section. I had just enough cell phone service to spot myself.

Ralph Stover State Park is a minimally improved state park but on my recent visits has been quite active with many picnickers, anglers and people out for nature walks. As this is the first year I've visited the park I do not know if it is due to 2020 or the very rustic nature of the park.

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