Biden Rant

2 years ago

In this episode Louie really lets ole Sleepy Joe have it. He talks about the three ghosts that has visited that old, corrupt, White House stealing puppet known as Joseph Robinette Biden. So sit back and enjoy the ride, because here we go!

#joebiden #trump #biden #kamalaharris #donaldtrump #maga #democrats #election #usa #bidenharris #vote #america #republican #democrat #blacklivesmatter #berniesanders #politics #covid #blm #conservative #voteblue #republicans #memes #foxnews #cnn #liberal #president #dumptrump #makeamericagreatagain #trumptrain #trump
#obama #trumpmemes #kag #coronavirus #potus #elizabethwarren #gop #bernie #barackobama #joebidenforpresident #news #msnbc #trumpsupporters #presidenttrump #fakenews #bluewave #feelthebern #sleepyjoe #freedom #draintheswamp #fucktrump #israel #georgefloyd #congress #americafirst #meme #presidentbiden #bidenmemes #funny #hillaryclinton

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