How We Clean Firewood for Your Wood Burning Stove

2 years ago

Winter is upon us and it is time to fire up the wood stove. There is something about a glowing fire that can not be beat. The heat is cozy and the flames are mesmerizing. However, there is that one thing no one likes...the dust and dirt. While we can't make an ash-less fire, we can attempt to give you clean firewood to help reduce the mess when you burn your wood stove or fireplace.

Come along and let us show you the behind the scenes of how we clean our firewood. Our firewood cleaner is a tumbler style unit made by Blockbuster.

When logs come to the firewood processing area, they are first cut into rounds. Our rounds are about sixteen inches long. These rounds are then fed through our Eastonmade 12-22 splitter.

The splits are then picked up by the bucket of one of the Bobcat skid steers. The rounds are fed into the top of the Blockbuster firewood cleaner.

The cleaner is a large steel cylinder with slits to allow loose bark and dirt to fall through. The cylinder is on an angle and rolls on a steel frame. The firewood enters one end, bounces around inside the cylinder and falls out the other end of the tube.

Debris comes off the firewood while bouncing through the cylinder. The debris sifts through the slits in the cylinder. This process collects the dirt under the cleaner and the cleaned firewood at the other end.

Are you wondering about that second skid steer? Well, it's not there just to look good in all its white and orange glory. The second skid steer is actually operating the cleaner. The skid steer's auxiliary hydraulics are utilized to run the firewood cleaner.

We hope this gives you a little incite into one of the many operations that go on around our homestead. A big ‘thank-you’ to all our firewood customers. We very much appreciate your business.

And, as always… Make it a great day! - Bren and Chuck
Equipment in this Video:
Blockbuster Firewood Cleaner
Bobcat S250 (wheels)
Bobcat T300 (tracks)
Eastonmade Splitter 12-22
Woodmizer Sawmill LT15
Thank you so much for your support!
We are full time homesteaders at Pioneer Mountain Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania. We have a sawmill, produce garden, honeybees, layer hens, laying ducks, pigs, and goats. Additionally, we provide boat and camper storage to nearby visitors of Raystown Lake and sell firewood and lumber in south central Pennsylvania. Our journey is to be as self-reliant as we can be; to live as much as we can from the resources we have at hand; to effectively be productive with as minimal environmental impact as possible; to raise food in an organic manner; and to give back to our community through education or demonstration. We are always learning, as well. Life is always an adventure! We enjoy learning from others and seeing what other people are doing as well. – Bren and Chuck


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Other information:
Pioneer Mountain Homestead
16477 Sharman Lane
James Creek, PA 16657
"Embracing Everything Farm and Forest"

#pioneermountainhomestead #pmhomestead #raystown #pennsylvania #lakeraystownregion #raystownfirewood #raystownpa #firewoodraystown #firewood #cleanfirewood

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