Israel set up new government, Biden made sodomite marriage legal!!

2 years ago

God is super angry now and America is under God judgement now for pushing sodomite so called marriage into law and blasphemy God to, Israel set up their new government just now and are ready for the antichrist to come and take over the entire world!! At any second the trumpet will sound and all true believers will be gone before the 7 year tribulation begins and it will begin!! God will punish the wicked and make the Lukewarm dead church people and pastors decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! Churches will be destroyed, bibles to, the antichrist has no need for churches anymore it will be his religion only his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and he will kill anyone who doesn't worship him!! The Catholic Church and many so called churches of the devil are already accepting the antichrist, they wear masks and get vaccines and are stupid!! Those who got the vaccines are stupid and do whatever the government tells them, they are slaves of Satan now and always will be slaves, once you get the vaccine you support the antichrist and Satan, even if you followed Jesus the Holy Spirit leaves you forever, you can't serve God and Satan nope, it is not a game at all!! God will make those who got the vaccines and give them out suffer His wrath!! Called the 7 Bowl judgements, Jesus will kill anyone who worships the antichrist, He will use His sword against them all and destroy them!! Time is up and the trumpet is about to sound,

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