Biden: ‘I Sincerely Hope This Holiday Season Will Drain the Poison That Has Infected Our Politics’

2 years ago

BIDEN: So my hope is Christmas season. Is it we take a few moments of quiet, reflection, find that stillness in the heart of Christmas lights at the heart of Christmas, and look really look at each other, not as Democrats Republicans, not as members of team, red or team blue.
So, we really are fellow Americans, fellow human beings worthy being treated with dignity and respect.
I sincerely hope this holiday see how this holiday season will drain. The poison has infected our politics and set us against one another. I hope this Christmas season marks a fresh start for our nation, because there’s so much that unites us as Americans. So much more that unites us than divides us.
We’re truly blessed to live in this nation.
And, I truly hope we take the time to look out. Look out for one another. Not at one another, for one another.

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