Police Taking Action Against Scientology

2 years ago

We discuss with John Poe what the police can do about Scientology's various crimes.

Poe On The Go: https://youtube.com/@poeonthego

Aaron Smith-Levin
Twitter: @GrowingUpInSCN
Instagram: Asmithlevin
FB: "Supporters of Leah Remini" FB Group: https://bit.ly/2m6Me0n

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AftermathFoundation
Twitter: @AftermathFDN
Instagram: TheAftermathFoundation

#scientology #police #fbi

0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Sea Org living conditions
6:14 - Fire code violations
11:30 - Minors mixed with non-guardian adults
13:09 - Clearwater Police & Scientology
22:32 - Restraining order
29:09 - Sarah Heller
29:57 - New leadership needed
32:22 - Police corruption
37:58 - Lawsuits
39:39 - Stolen valor
43:05 - No exemptions to occupancy laws
45:53 - Attempted kidnapping accusation
50:32 - Mark Bunker attempted kidnapping

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