Dr Syed Haider - GOOD! Protocols for long covid and vaccine effects

2 years ago

Dr Syed Haider
Clip from the braveseries.com series #5
Discussed in the video:
For long covid and vaccine effects.
Natural blood thinners: Nattokinase & Serrapeptase: Enzymes that break down the micro-clots
Boost that with: Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and 4g/day omega 3 fatty acids (eha & dha)
Spermidine and Resveratrol: Trigger autophagy (how your cells get rid of parts that are no longer needed or don't work right)
Curcumin, Black Seed, and Dandelion (Immunity Herbal): Anti-Inflammation & Antiviral
Base Vitamins: D3, K2, C, Zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain, A
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Balance zinc with (some) copper
Other mentions: L-Argenine, Methylene Blue (pharmaceutical grade), melatonin (slow release 8mg skip day), magnesium, ozonated oils, ozonated water, Pyrroloquinoline quinone (life extension),
Paxlovid & Ivermectin (Protease inhibitors), Chinese Skullcap, Purple Gromwell Root (Immunity Protease Inhibitors)

*This is not medical advice, these are his own personal research protocols. Always consult your doctor especially if you take meds. Do your own research. Not affiliated with any of these people or products.

His website: https://drsyedhaider.com/

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