(PART 07 FINAL) [Chapter VII - At the rapids] Unravel Two 4k60

2 years ago

Unravel Three: TBD
Decided to go ahead and play the unravel series because I saw that sackboy and little big planet coming to PC so until then i wanted to go ahead and give unravel a try. I gotta be honest I enjoyed the first game more than i did this one because this seems like it was primarily made for two players to play instead of just a single player solo campaign. also i didnt understand the storyline myself and was just left confused at the end of it.

-=:Unravel Series:=-
Unravel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyggOvOVG5v1w0re0LR97PqKgGGBoxqYg

Unravel Two: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyggOvOVG5v1ozK802ZyJnaDkgpC7honI

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