Paul Hastings assists CCP-controlled entities to evade US market regulations - threatens US economy

2 years ago

- Paul Hastings, the law firm in which Luc A. Despins practice, has assisted over 190 CCP-controlled entities, one way or another, in their marketing and merger-and-acquisition transactions.
- These entities affiliated to the CCP have utilized forged financial records and numbers in their accounting books.
- With these transactions carried out, the CCP is able to infiltrate into the U.S. economy system without raising suspicions to its main part of agenda: to subvert the U.S. economy from within.
- Among these M&A cases are:
-- Binance’s M&A (Merger and Acquisition) of CoinMarketCap (2020);
-- Ping An Group establishment of a joint-venture with Blumberg Investment Partners to invest in American logistic real estate (warehouses) (2015);
-- BioNTech and Fosun Pharma “Strategic Partnership” to develop COVID-19 vaccines (2020).
- Jia Yan is a Lawyer that appeared in the Binance and Fosun’s acquisition cases
-- Jia Yan, one of the Paul Hastings Partners, is a member of the CCP, and the Student of Wang Huning, one of the CCP’s Politburo Members.
-- In a law firm, a partner is almost the highest level position.
-- Could representations with big clients be allowed without the firm’s agreement?
-- Should we not start worrying that the CCP would try to destroy our economy in stealth via these law firms?

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