You Better Watch This Whole Video

2 years ago

watch full 35 min video!

And They Still Are Getting Away With These Murders - How ...
How can it be that with such a substantial mountain of evidence that this Covid 19 pandemic is nothing more than the biggest organized criminal enterprise in human history that people are still in the dark about this fact? How can it be that the voices who did speak out against this crime comprise persons with much more substantial credentials than those who participated in this crime against humanity - yet were able to be marginalized by those criminals so effectively, to the point where the people are not even aware of the existence of this greater body of knowledge and credibility?

And how can it be that the information systems of this earth are under such an iron grip of censorship that most people who eagerly and aggressively support the "official" lies do so completely unaware of the existence of such substantial numbers of scientists with far greater credentials who stand in strident opposition to the genocidal Covid-19 plan of these criminal elites?

How can it be when it is generally accepted by the most credible scientific organizations that Covid-19 was 100% manmade, that almost half of all Americans have never even heard that there are any questions about its origins?

How can it be that with so many people dying suddenly of heart attacks and so many children dropping dead too young from the shots that so many people have never heard that there are any such issues?

These questions have a clear answer, and this video answers all those questions.

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