
2 years ago

Advent Series- Day 4- Great Expectation
Scripture: Mark 10 & Ephesians 3

Do you have great expectation for what God is doing and will do in your life? How is your faith opening doors for the miraculous to happen in your life?
In the story of the blind man who Jesus healed, the man shows his faith and eagerness towards his healing. Jesus says that "by your faith, you are healed".

Wow. The man's faith is what brought radical change.

God is looking for our faith, even just a mustard seed portion, to bring healing and a life changing encounter with Him. Our faith really does move mountains in our life.

The Enemy is also looking to snuff our faith and wants to keep us from believing that we are actually becoming who God says we are. When we are living freely in our God-given identity, we are walking in true freedom and joy. We are also used as a vessel to reach the lost in a way that only we can.

Don't accept another year of living in a muted version of yourself. Be expectant of what God wants to do to set you free to walk in the fullness of who He has created you to be and let Him lead you to the first step to make the changes necessary and get the help needed to actually start walking this out.

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