Rights for focus. (1 Corinthians 9:1-12)

2 years ago

We are slaves to Christ. Worrying about rights isn't the focus. We act as thought we "deserve" or have "earned" every day being easy or somehow worldly better because we said some magic words. (If that's how it is you, that's religion and I pray for your soul.) We don't We are bought. For a very high price at that. The blood of Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah (The Christ). We are free because of the slaying of the sinless Lamb of GOD. We are not our own. We are bond servants, like Paul said, we belong to HIM. So our focus has to be HIM. We are ransomed from the world and so it's standards are no longer our own. It's version of good and evil are no longer our own. Everything about it has to be surrendered to HIM. Why wouldn't it need to be when all that we are must be surrendered unto HIM. It's HIS image, not our own. Living as HIS rather than our own. To do less is blasphemy. (How can we say we are wholly his if we aren't?)

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