Mark Cuban Says Trump Was ‘Political Chemotherapy’ And ‘Changed The System’

1 year ago

Mark Cuban Says Trump Was ‘Political Chemotherapy’ And ‘Changed The System’

Billionaire Mark Cuban told comedian Bill Maher that former President Donald Trump reset the American political system.

The duo were talking politics on Maher’s “Club Random” podcast, with Cuban saying that, while he has no political aspirations, if he did run, he’d run as a Republican.

“I can fuck with them more, and I think they’re more pragmatic,” Cuban said. “But I think Democrats are smarter.” Maher then retorted that Democrats are too committed to identity politics and that Cuban, being white, would have little chance of winning a Democratic primary. Cuban then expressed support for ranked choice voting because it “eliminates extremism,” while Maher said the political climate is “rough because this is a team era when people just want to hear what they believe.”

“So, I think Trump has been political chemotherapy. Meaning, he was such a mess that he changed the system,” Cuban said.

“Maybe,” Maher said. “You know what happens to people who get chemotherapy.” “Right, a lot of them die. A lot of the systems, they change,” Cuban responded. “It’s been 2016, let’s say, to 2022, six years, in the big scheme of America. My kids, when they’re sixty years old and say — hopefully say — ‘Look, we went through — the country went through — the shit when I was a kid, but we learned from it.’ I think we’re starting to learn from what happened.”

“You’re seeing them throw [Trump] under the bus,” Cuban added. Cuban also told Maher about the time Trump invited him into the West Wing. “You know, because I’ve been shitting on him the whole time, and he didn’t care, and he’s talking, and he’s talking nonsense about a lot of different things. 10% legit and 90% nonsense,” Cuban said. “And I’m getting ready to leave, and I’m standing up and he goes, ‘That’s a good looking suit you’ve got there.’ I’m like ‘Thanks’. He goes, ‘Are you still on that show, “Shark Tank”?’ I’m like, ‘Yeah.’ He goes, ‘Barron loves that show. He watches it all the time.'”

The “Club Random” episode will air Monday.

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