CryptoRick's Final PulseX Launch Strategy + long term (MAY UPDATE)

2 years ago

The clock is winding down. While most are looking at the clock, I'm looking for the shot. Here it Pulse X Strategy (May Update Edition) pre-launch , post launch, and long term til infinity and beyond! I discuss Pulse X tokens, AMM trading, wrapped bitcoin, hex, Phex, staking, loans, validators, with figures and examples, plus how much percentage for re-compounding interest, what do do with ERC20 tokens...

Join us for another explosive episode of CryptoCurrent with CryptoRick!

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Note: This video is for educational and entertainment purposes, not financial or legal advice.

A shoutout to Frankie A, who introduced me to the Pulse Ecosystem. I owe you all.

References/Further links
Massive PLS Gains!!?? - Haunted Strategy In Under 3 Minutes

Courtesy of Liquid Loans (Haunted)/Matty (link above) – like and subscribe to their YouTube Channels.

*Amendment: Prebridge/ratio strategy - Prior to Bridge, not launch*

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