Mariah, Dolly, Darlene, Lindsay and the "Christmas Queen" Controversy

2 years ago

• A candid comparison of the iconic divas out here making major Christmas cash
• The Dolly Parton merch that left Rachel and George speechless
• The unlikely starlet that made Rachel’s prayer list

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This Week’s Happy Hour Special:

Peppermint Martini 🍸

1 ounce peppermint schnapps
1/2 ounce vodka
1 1/2 ounces crème de cacao
1 1/2 ounces heavy cream
Peppermint candies (optional)

Want the freshest happy hour breath of your life? Rim your glass with peppermint! 👉 Finely crush a handful of peppermint candies and spread evenly on a plate. Wet the rim of a martini glass with water. Set the glass top-down on the crushed candy and rotate until fully coated.

Now for the drink! Add peppermint schnapps, vodka, crème de cacao and heavy cream to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake until frosty. Strain into your candy-rimmed glass and go find some mistletoe. 😉

Pull up a chair to the happy hour you wish your friends were having. Mix two money experts with some hot takes and a splash of nostalgia, and you get Rachel Cruze and George Kamel talking unfiltered about what’s going on in the world, pop culture, and how to afford a life you love.

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