Need to Know (21 December 2022) with Carl Herman and Chris Weinert

2 years ago

The US may believe that Ukraine could retake Crimea, but that's one more fantasy, which Zelensky is selling to a true-believing crowd in Congress. Practically no one else is being played--and it has to be for the most corrupt of reasons (covering up the Biden crime family's relations with Ukraine, kickbacks to Democrats via Ukrainian money-laundering, and such). The Russia military reports shooting down several US-made HARM anti-radar missiles, where we are now promising to send PATRIOT missile systems (which require US troops to man them) to Ukraine, too. Moscow warns that US policies are putting the US and Russia on the path to a "direct clash" (thermonuclear war). The Senate has advanced a $1.66 trillion spending bill in an effort to lock-in the budget before the Republicans regain control of the House. Mike King elaborates reasons not to be taken in by attacks upon Trump from the right, rattling off a huge list of his accomplishments that put the lie to the claim that he is a Zionist working for Israel. Phil Geraldi explains why Trump now appears to have offended the ADL by hosting Kanye West and others, whom it claims to be anti-semites or Holocaust Deniers (even worse)! He predicts that Trump will not receive the kind of funding that he has received in the past from Jewish sources and that it may undermine his attempt to regain the Presidency in 2024. On the other hand, Trump has an agenda to restore freedom of speech to the US, which looks very promising to me. A teacher in Ireland has been imprisoned for not using a transgenders preferred pronoun ("they"), which is not even grammatically correct (since it is plural when he is singular). And Stanford has put out a list of words to be avoided, which includes "American", as though one of our nation's leading universities has to indulge in "woke" speech.

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