The Power of Prayer... Jesus Christ elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 17-10/12

1 year ago

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The Power of Prayer

124. When one of you prays, he does not truly realize what he accomplishes with his thoughts in spirit. Thus you shall come to know that when you pray for your fellow men, for those nations destroying themselves in war, during those moments your spirit wages a mental battle against the forces of evil; your sword, being peace, reason, justice, and a yearning for all that is good, clashes with the weapons of hatred, revenge, and pride.

125. The time has come during which men will come to realize the power of prayer. For prayer to possess true power and light, it is necessary that it be sent on high, to Me, with love.

126. Thoughts and the spirit, united in prayer, manifest within man a power superior to any other human force.

127. In prayer, the weak are strengthened, the cowards are imbued with courage, the ignorant are illuminated, and the timid will part with their inhibition.

128. When the spirit manages to work in hamony with the mind, to achieve true prayer, it becomes an invisible soldier, leaving behind everything pertaining to its being for a moment, relocating to other places, and freeing itself from the influence of the material. It will dedicate itself to the struggle to do good, to banish danger and evil, and to deliver a glimmer of light, a drop of balsam, and a breath of peace to those in need.

129. Consider everything I am telling you, and understand how much you will be able to accomplish with the mind and spirit amidst the chaos that has taken hold of humanity. You exist in a world of conflicting thoughts and ideas, in which passions clamor and feelings of hatred clash, in which man’s reasoning has been twisted by materialism and the spirits are shrouded in darkness.

130. Only those who have learned, through prayer, to elevate themselves in thought and spirit to the regions of light, to the realms of peace, may enter the world of contention, where all human passions are reflected, without being defeated, and, in exchange, even leaving something of value for those who are in need of the light of the spirit.

131. Learn to pray, for with prayer you may do much good, just as you may defend yourselves against malice. Prayer is both sword and shield; should you have enemies, defend yourselves with prayer, but know that this weapon must never wound or injure anyone, for its sole purpose is to shine light into the darkness.

132. The forces of nature are unleashed against mankind, but you shall not fear, for you know that I have given you the power to defeat evil and protect your fellow men. You may order those elements of destruction to stop, and they shall obey. If you continue watching and praying you will perform miracles and astonish the world.

133. Pray with sincerity, commune with My Spirit, and do not seek out any particular place to do so. Pray beneath a tree, on the road, upon a mountaintop, or in the corner of your bedroom, and I will descend to converse with you, to illuminate you, and to give you strength.

134. Truly, I tell you: If you were already united in spirit, thought, and will, your prayer alone would suffice to stop the nations preparing at this very hour to charge against one another. You would put an end to the hostilities, you would be an obstacle to all the evil plans of your fellow men; you would be an invisible sword, vanquishing the mighty, and a shield, defending the weak.

135. Humanity, faced with such palpable proof of the existence of a higher power, will pause for a moment to reflect, and this reflection will spare men from many heavy blows and afflictions they are to otherwise receive at the hands of nature and its elements.


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