Singin' 49: Heeeeeeeeeeeere's RADAR! Dante, Dragons, Happy Solstice 2022

2 years ago

More of the cream of the Miigiizi Makwa Crop telling the stories and pinning down the history of our time. Learn history, politics, culture and have a lot of fun with our 8th Generation version of MTV.

In Native American culture, Singin' 49 refers to the post Pow-wow gatherings (afterparties) where frens get together and share stories and sing songs around the fire. It is also a reference to the beginning of the 49 movement, which is the Ghost Dance. People who are familiar with numbers, and have learned about the sacred meaning of numbers to our Native relatives and the Ancestors will also understand why they chose 49. Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ. A'ho.

Mitákuye Oyás'iŋ (All Are Related) is a phrase from the Lakota language. It reflects the world view of interconnectedness held by the Lakota people of North America. This concept and phrase is expressed in many Yankton Sioux prayers, as well as by ceremonial people in other Lakota communities.

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