Creation of Birth Certificate as a Bond = Cusip # 🤔

2 years ago

Creation of Artificial Man or Women "STRAW MAN" YOUR IDENTITY= ID ( UNDERSTAND = STAND UNDER). Go to this site: and just put your social security (Cusip #) on the search bar like this: xxx-xx-xxxx. You don't need to register or login. The system was made for corporations to steal the wealth from the people and make us "Modern Slave" under Fiat system, that is about to die. Their is a big difference between "A person" definition: a man, woman, or child. And a LEGAL PERSON: definition: an individual, company, or other entity which has legal rights and is subject to obligations. Now having discovered that let see what the U,C,C, CODE SAID: The term "person" is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2510(6) to mean any individual person as well as natural and legal entities. Any Court case in any country if you accepted or consent under the "Legal NAME" the flesh and blood carry all the Liability on such "Contract" Civil or Criminal, and Legally can be "Charge" and "Put in Jail. We always said we/us in such conversation and the you on them and said to who ever come after the name: JOHN A. DOE. We Gladly give you a Name, the question is? #1 ARE YOU THE NAME. AND IF NOT # DO YOU HAVE A CLAIM AGAINST THE NAME. After that "the name has the right to remains silence and do not want to participate or consent any Legal activities on such Contract that you are trying to created.
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