NEIGH FOALING: Heartwarming Moment Mare Gives Birth

2 years ago

This is the natural moment when a mare gives birth to an adorable foal at a stable in Poland.

The young colt's appearance was captured on video by riding instructor Weronika Piasecka, 31, as she stood by in case mum Aria-W needed any help.

Footage shows the 17-year-old mare lying quietly in her stable near Warsaw as she gives birth to her foal, named Aramis.

Within minutes the bay colt's front legs and head emerge rapidly followed by its body and hind legs.

After wiping the foal's nostrils and mouth clear, Weronika then waits for nature to take its course as Aria-W looks lovingly over her shoulder at her newborn.

Another video shows the colt playing with his mother in a field next to their stable.

The video - liked thousands of times on TikTok - was originally recorded in April this year.

Weronika - who owns an animal foundation for abused animals - told Newsflash: "[The foal] is the son of my mare Aria-W, I've had her since 2015, and she's my first horse."

She added: "Aramis is very healthy and he is stallion."

Weronika currently gives a home to four horses, three dogs and five cats and revealed that this was not Aria-W's first delivery.

She said: "Usually horses deliver their offspring at night and nobody can see this, but fortunately Aria decided to do it when I was at the stable and it was the first horse birthday I have ever seen."

Meanwhile, astounded netizens did not hold back from commenting on social media platforms.

One TikTok user named 'Ewa' said: "The most beautiful animals in the world are horses and my pup."

Another one who goes by the username 'What are you looking for?' curiously asked: "A foal should be rubbed with hay after birth, right?"

Weronika responded by saying: "Some people do that. I try to interfere with nature as little as possible."

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