👐 Flatlanders : Shelley Lewis Interview 2022.12.22 👐

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Thursday 2022.12.22 @ 5p PST, 8p EST
#Flatlanders : Shelley Lewis Interview
Hosts : JoeCharterMusic.com + Michael 'Mankinder.net' Wisnieux

⁣Shelley Lewis ~
President + Director : Flatsmack Films, Inc.
Passionate truther, licensed holistic health practitioner, vegan chef, photographer ; Director + Executive Producer : "FLATLANDERS, the Series."

Shelley holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point, where she entertained hopes of becoming an Astronaut. Ms. Lewis served in the US Army for 5 years, as she jumped out of airplanes and became a paratrooper. She began her long quest for answers after being honorably discharged from the Military with a medical condition: Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (Lupus). Through many years of studying and research, she found help through a vegan diet, lifestyle changes, alternative medicine, and the Great Physician/Creator of Heaven and Earth.

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All music in this production is owned and maintained and sung by Joe Charter Records, and/or is considered public domain. The music in this broadcast DOES NOT BELONG to UMG-Sony or any other publishing entity with which Facebook has partnered to track digital creative work. Our Broadcasts should not be muted in any country. Music Rights are Owned by Joe Charter Records (Registered in the United States of America)

#holistic #medicine #space #FlatEarth #FE #GlobeEarth #Firmament #Bible

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