Interview 377 with Denise Ward

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Denise Ward’s Bio:
I dabble in lots of things. My greatest claim to my name is a decision I made about ten years ago, to go on an odyssey. I had no idea where it would take me. I decided that government was illegitimate because the constitution was only written by men. I realized that women had no hand in making constitutions or bibles or any of the original and foundational documents our society is based upon. I couldn’t imagine why men left women out. It’s just not something we women like to do – we tend to be inclusive. I gave up my bank accounts and got off everything government or corporate by simply dipping out. I stopped paying everything and embarked on a life that is based on serendipity.
I see government as illegitimate and feel no compunction to give them any explanation. They took advantage of my ignorance for enough years and coerced me to fund my own exploitation. I didn’t want government to spend the money where it decided to spend it. I had no say in where my taxes went. I would never fund fluoridated water for example or support war.
I was coming to a greater understanding in my awakening. Being off money gave me insights to things I wasn’t hearing others talk about. I left my job, took all my money out of everything I could, stopped paying my mortgage and never said anything to the banks. I threw all their correspondence directly into the bin. I always slept really well through all of this. The biggest part of my odyssey was finding out my true self, without the overlay of money-thinking. I drove around without registration for three and a half years then got pulled up for a headlight being out. My car was confiscated and I refused to buy my own car back by paying the bandits a ransom. The police made a new title and sold it. I knew I was losing money by doing this but I persisted in my determination to stick by my belief that government is illegitimate – at least for women. I can understand men might like it but I can’t see why women would.
I had the space in my mind (because I was not on money) to think of what a new Golden Age would look like, and what would be the best foundations the people could have. I wanted to dump the idea of “law” because that is always backed by violence. I imagined a world where anything violent is looked upon as ghastly. It’s all a matter of seeing things in a new perspective. One entire half of the human population has never been heard. It’s nobody’s fault because we were all born under this paradigm, but it’s a good time for men and women to come together now and design a new society together. This society can work in parallel to the current violent society while we simultaneously build everything new from the ground up. We won’t need banks nor government. We will govern ourselves in a system that couldn’t be more beautiful and we can start doing it right now while we’re in the current paradigm. I designed a system called the Egalitarian Proposal System to enable us to do this. It enables us to do anything we wish if we can convince enough people to pass it on a platform deliberately designed to facilitate it.
The system is dynamic - if anyone thinks something could be improved, they can explain their improvement by submitting a proposal themselves, and get enough people to pass it. So this teaches us how to be good communicators and that attribute should be valued in a conscious society. In this new system – everyone can use their voice – including children - for any issue. There is no need for children to be silent victims in their own future.
The Egalitarian Proposal System is the framework that’s pretty much immediately available and that anyone can do. It can free us from third parties like governments, banks and courts, and make them obsolete. No longer do we need to tolerate violence. It can’t be stopped completely but we need to engage the people who repudiate violence and who will be part of building a new society that lives by this principle.
Another document I wrote is the “Architecture to The New Epoch” which gives strategies for living in a sovereign society. It’s difficult to imagine a sovereign society because our minds have been directed to imagining a future that is dystopic. However we are capable to re-imagine a future that is golden.
Mostly all our images of the future are of a Mad Max-type future. We need to put more good images into our mindspace because we create what we think about mostly. The controllers know this key factor. Once we know what they know, it is pretty much a stalemate for them.
No talk of killing our own species should be uttered, or intended – this is the leap humanity must take. This leap will release us from slavery and from barbarity because in reality we create what we speak. To kill one’s own species is anti-biological and thus creates “frequency signatures” that feed the energy of “entropy” (evil, death, depression, disease). And on the other side, when we think of things that are beautiful, interactive and intelligent, we generate the energy of “synergy”. This is where we finally realize that it is us who are the programmers, directors and conductors of our existence. Our choice is only limited by our imagination. We have been enslaved over a long period and slavery is very ingrained. It only takes a few people though who are spread out all over the world to show others how to free ourselves forever, and do it by example - never by force or fear. We need to understand the realm we are in and how energy is directed.
Another impactful action is to discuss a people’s currency. Some of us are talking about Cannacoin, using a secondary calendar that is in sync with natural cycles and the establishment of online directories to announce those of us who claim our sovereignty. We need to record what we value otherwise it has the effect of going into what the aboriginals call “the never-never”. We need to let others know who we are and to stand in our existence.
So generally speaking I see myself as a systems designer, philosopher, writer, and all-round rouser! I am looking forward to speaking with you Jesse and thank you for the opportunity to appear on your show. I cannot express how much I appreciate the work that you do and the tone you bring to our times.
~ denise

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