Quick and Easy Pizza and Breadsticks Recipe Using Homemade Pizza Sauce.

2 years ago

Here is my families recipe for a quick and easy dinner. This is my go to recipe for pizza and bread sticks. I also make homemade pizza sauce. This recipe takes me less than 30 minutes and cost less that $5 per pizza. #pizza #pizzasaucerecipe #pizzadough

Pizza Dough Recipe:
1 1/2 cup of warm water 110 degrees
1tsp sugar
2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
4 cups of flour
1tsp salt
1/3 cup olive oil
Mix water, sugar, and yeast together. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
In mixer bowl add flour, salt, olive oil and yeast mixture. Mix with dough hook for 5 minutes or until it is soft and elastic.
Place dough in a oil bowl and cover. Place in fridge until ready to use.
Bake pizza at 550 for 6-7 minutes add toppings and bake again for 7 minutes until nice and brown.

Pizza Sauce:
1 whole onion
1/4 cup of olive oil
3 tbsp parsley
1tbsp oregano
3 tbsp garlic powder
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
28 oz can of crushed tomatoes
1/2 small can of tomato paste
Sautee the onions in olive oil until translucent. Add the spices into the oil and cook for 3minutes. Add in the crushed tomatoes and tomato paste. Then add in the sugar and salt. Allow to simmer for 3 hours for best flavor. *For 2 pizzas*

Caste Iron Pizza Pan (Mine was discontinued)

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