Your Childhood Wounds Can Show You How To Love Yourself! (Kristin Neff) || Spirituality || Christian

2 years ago

#LoveYourself #ChildhoodWounds #ShayoliHope #KristinNeff

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Your Childhood Wounds Can Show You How To Love Yourself! || Kristin Neff || Spirituality || Christian

Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff: "Nurture your wounds as you would care for a child."

0:00 Welcome
01:15 The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Let's apply these to loving yourself! But how? (Video 1 of 6)

02:24 "Don't Want/Do Want" Exercise:
Make a chart: draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper
Write "Don't want" on the top left, "Do Want" on the right
List these 5 love languages. Jot down ideas from the clip.

Think back to your childhood. What did people do that made you feel unloved?
List them on the left side of your paper, under the appropriate love language.

06:03 Words of Affirmation
08:20 Quality Time
10:28 Physical Touch
11:47 Acts of Service
13:15 Gifts

16:13 Loving yourself
We can use information from the negative to fuel the positive--for clarity!

18:56 How do you do these things to yourSELF?
Write down how you can show YOURSELF love by doing the opposite. (Do Want side)

Example: Quality time: It hurts me when people are distracted and ignore me.
I can show myself love by being undistracted and give myself quality attention.

20:22 Self-Compassion
Give yourself the love you needed, but didn't get, as a child.
Acknowledge that you're always worthy of love.

Self-criticism will always set back your progress!

23:40 Poem: "Acquainted with the Night" by Robert Frost

26:30 Life Beyond Overwhelm video course
(Link above)

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