The New Rector by Stanley Weyman

2 years ago

The New Rector [1891]
The novel by Stanley Weyman
Dramatised for radio by Mollie Hardwick
Jeremy Clyde as Reginald Lindo
and Gabriel Woolf as Stephen Clode

30 October 1879 "Dear Sir, We are instructed by our client, the Right Honourable the Earl of Dynmore, to invite your acceptance of the living of Claversham in the County of Warwick. The living is of the approximate value of £810 per annum and a house... "

Mrs Hammond: Cecile Chevreau
Laura Hammond: Alexa Romanes
Jack Rowley: David Enders
Mr Bonamy: Wilfred Babbage
Kate Bonamy: Mary Chester
Daintry Bonamy: Pat Pleasance
Dr Gregg: Roger Delgado
Mrs Baxter: Marjorie Forsyth
Felton: Lewis Stringer
The Archdeacon: James Thomason
Lord Dynmore: Haydn Jones
Pianist: Arthur Tatler
Producer: Graham Gauld

Saturday-Night Theatre:
Sat 7th Mar 1970
20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM

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