Our Pastors deceived us...

2 years ago

This video outlines how dangerous the jab is, how Pastors sold out and told their flocks to take the jab. Not only do they contain aborted cells but they also contain graphene oxide and nano technology to hook you up to the digital cloud. When they`re ready they`ll bring in the digital currency and that will prevent anyone who isn`t jabbed from buying and selling. We are in Revelations 13: 16-18. Stand your ground, don`t bow to this system. Having done all to Stand, Stand. In the Name of Jesus. All governments worship the god of freemasonry and they are all working in cahoots to implement the jab and the digital money system, the high-priest of this cult is the jesuit pope, leading millions to destruction. We stand in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Him we live and move and have our being. What happened? What happened to humanity?
Many have described their loved ones being altered in some indefinable ways, after they have been injected with mRNA vaccinations.
People have spoken to me in distress about how they can’t seem to feel the physical presence of their loved ones, post-vaccination.
It looks like the same person, they say with grief, if a bit paler, a bit more fatigued and ethereal.
But it doesn’t feel like the same person.Their thinking may be more rigid, their loved ones report sadly. They may be emotionally brutal. Attachments can seem less passionate. Hugs more chilly.
Physical therapists have spoken about their vaccinated patients’ temperature being now altered, their blood flow patterns changed, even their “energy fields,” as they put it, being drained or weakened. What could possibly cause inchoate changes in people post-mRNA vaccination and whether the lipid nanoparticles themselves may be profoundly altering human beings. We know that the LNPs, which their manufacturers boast can cross every membrane in the human body, cross the placenta, as fetal-maternal medicine OB/GYN Dr. James Thorp has demonstrated. This is one reason the lies to pregnant women of pharmaceutical, medical, and government spokesmodels, in swearing that the mRNA injection ingredients could not cross the placenta, are so egregious.
We know that the LNPs do cross the blood-brain barrier — indeed, they were designed to do that: some of their earliest medical uses involved the delivery of medicine across the blood-brain barrier, to target brain tumors. Human beings are more than our bodies. So this is a massive experiment on the very essence of what makes us human.
Lipid nanoparticles are not medicines. They are a delivery system.
They are composed of tiny objects, minute particles of industrial fats, as noted above, that biodistribute into your bloodstream and lodge, as Dr. Chandler showed, into various of your organs, including your brain; and including, if you are a woman, accumulating in your ovaries.
In the case of the mRNA injections, the LNPs are coated with four lipids including PEG, a petroleum byproduct. PEG is a thickening agent, that is in laxatives, and in creams and cosmetics. Many people have noticed that their loved ones in remission from cancer, or whose cancers were long resolved and now in the past, have suffered resurgences of raging cancers post-vaccination.
PEG, according to the David Suzuki Foundation, and other critics of chemical additives, is a carcinogen:
“Depending on manufacturing processes, PEGs may be contaminated with measurable amounts of ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. So with an mRNA vaccine, you are getting lipid nanoparticles, that are crossing every membrane in the human body — and that are coated with a potential carcinogen — traversing your bloodstream and lodging in the organs in your body.
Can this hurt your heart? A thoroughly ignored March 2022 study from Metabolism Open Journal, “Potential implications of lipid nanoparticles in the pathogenesis of myocarditis associated with the use of mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2”, made the very reasonable case that myocarditis could be caused by the lipid nanoparticle sheath on the mRNA vaccines. (COVID Spike Protein is also documented to cause this kind of damage). For nerves to act as rapid conductors of messages, it requires that the axons (nerves) are coated with sheets of myelin.
So: what could happen if these supporting cells malfunction?
Oligodendrocytes – as these are in the brain, could malfunction due to either LNPs or to Spike Protein; either could cause them to lose the myelin sheath. This damage to the myelin sheath could cause mental issues or neurological symptoms or signs.
Schwann cells; similar to damage within the brain in oligodendrocytes, these cells, if damaged, would allow the myelin surrounding the nerves to deteriorate, then effectively to be removed. This deterioration could end up causing symptoms such as multiple sclerosis (MS), and this degradation could also be responsible for some of the many known neurological adverse events (AEs) demonstrated in the Pfizer documents.
There is a possibility of LNPs being absorbed into the myelin sheaths themselves, or even into the Oligodendrocytes. In either of these cases, the cells would begin to malfunction, and the end result is a degree of demyelination or even complete demyelination. It has been conjectured that deterioration in the function of Oligodendrocytes could be a cause of ‘aging’/brain fog/dementia. What better way to kill the hard-to-oppress characteristics of free men and women: degrade their energy, their aspiration, their skills at forming bonds – indeed, their very ability to engage in nuanced, expansive, compassionate critical thought?
What better way, indeed, to murder God`s creation?

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