GBC Mega Memory Card bent pin 5min fix Game Boy Color GB Pocket GameShark Pro Repair Gameboy Action Replay replacement

2 years ago

The Mega Memory Card is an unofficial / unlicensed Game Boy accessory manufactured by Datel for Interact. It has the exact same shell and cartridge slot as their Action Replay Pro and GameShark Pro for Game Boy Pocket/Color. The same fix should work if you have a mangled pin on one of those.

More on the device:
The Mega Memory Card can backup and restore most battery-backed SRAM saves from Game Boy game paks. It saves several of them to non-volatile storage (internal flash or EEPROM; can’t recall which) so the backups are not in danger of being lost from a drained battery. With the switch in the left position it will boot the game (pass-thru). With the switch in the right position it will boot the Mega Memory Card operation menu.

I couldn’t get it to run on Analogue Pocket unless I flipped the switch after booting a game but that often results in a freeze instead of booting the Mega Memory Card menu. I couldn’t get it to work for some games at all… likely anything with an MMC… which probably includes all the SRAM games.

I recall corrupting my old GB Camera save decades ago by trying to backup/restore with this but that has a particularly large save file. I didn’t really expect it to work but I it seemed like it was going to until I restored the backup. Part of the issue may have been compression, in which case you might have better luck with a largely empty camera roll. I recall it used a huge chunk of the Mega Memory Card storage as well and I had to delete almost everything else for my initial backup. For whatever reason, I didn’t back it up to my PC with my Bung Enterprises GB Xchanger.

Note: The MegaMem card is not compatible with the original Game Boy. It doesn’t have the notch for the power switch but it’s a bit more than that since it isn’t compatible with Super Game Boy either. I believe it does work for Game Boy Pocket.

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