2 years ago

They did the math 🧮
It’s impossible to put all that fuel in the wings.

There are very large “ jet fuel ⛽️ facilities “ near airports. I literally fueled A-10 Thunderbolts during the Gulf War at RAF ALCONBURY, but I never even remotely thought about doing the math 🧮.

We fueled Warthogs in England that flew to Saudi Arabia. But they fly low quite often.

The need to fly above 30,000 feet might be different ( conceivably)…. In my mind , the wings of aircraft ( which are supposed to contain fuel bladders can only hold so much !!! )

We never see the fuel go in. There is also a smaller engine on an A-10 that is supposed to kickstart the main engines.

It is called an auxiliary power unit.
Or ( APU ) ..could that account for the smoke 💨??
We certainly were able to smell it and everything, but what about the math ? In jet engine School we were taught that the engines.
- were designed to have thin metal tubes ( quite sensibly ) run along the hot engine ( to keep it cool ) …. I always thought that was dangerous!!!

I never saw trucks come in from OFF BASE to replenish whatever fuel storage containers that we may have had “ which were located in the Top Secret 🤐 side of the base where we flew A-10’s.

Also consider the extremely thin wings on an F-117 ….. where the fuck do they keep the fuel ⛽️. ????? How do they fly from California to Hawaii 🌺???

Have you ever seen a Jet Air Liner refuel in midair / ???? Where would the port be ???
Right above the pilots cabin ?

What if the A-10 and others “put on a show” on the ground???

Why do CHEMTRAILS really exist and why do they stop and start 🛫 in mid air leaving “dash marks” in the sky ????
Why do planes ✈️ cross cross in the West ( of main cities 🌆) back and forth in front of the sun ⛅️….. why the SMOKE 💨 SCREEN ???!

What are they trying to hide ?

Even in a thing called ( TEST CELL ) which runs an engine with no covering , there is a fuel ⛽️ line hose connected to it.., you could run it for hours for show and tell purposes. It would still stink like a Petroleum Product, but what about above 30,000 feet. ( Old School B-52’s of all models need mid - air refueling for sure. ) C-130’s and other propeller planes could also be throwbacks as well.

Also , in Jet School , if we asked anything close to a hard question 🙋‍♂️ about how and why the engines really work, they would laugh 😆 and grin 😄 and tell us it operated by PFM.

We would say - what’s PFM !?!??

To which they would answer “ PURE FUCKING MAGIC 🪄 “ and then they would laugh hysterically.

Maybe that why they have different levels of secrecy. I had just basic Top Secret Clearance. I’ve heard that there are up to 30 levels above that.

Something is way off.
Maybe we have a different magnetic fields or jet streams up there o.

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