Build or Burn | Predestination

2 years ago

There is no neutrality; all seeming conflict is between creative, constructive groups and individuals and destructive, antagonistic groups and individuals.

But the destructive process is complementary to the creative process.

The creative, constructive processes always prevail, as there is never an apocalypse; there is never total destruction.

Something always comes out of nothing.

But structures are built upon insubstantial, incorrect foundations and they must come down to create space for sound construction.

The success of opposing groups is determined by the soundness of the foundations upon which they are building upon.

And the less sound foundation determines which group becomes antagonistic, and plays the destructive role, purifying and removing the chaff and flashing from the protagonist.

Even seeming constructive creative processes, if founded upon apocalyptic destructive foundations are doomed to their own destruction.

In the larger picture, there is no conflict.

And the groups and individuals that are most willing to accept the unity and harmony of the process prevail as the protagonists and as the creators going forward.

The concern we have for a cause, a community, the society and the world is a reflection and a projection of that we have for ourselves.

And in acting out our desires towards the external circumstances we are fulfilling our own destinies.

The protagonist, the creative force always redeems the actions of the destructive force.

And although we would like to choose to be on the right side, to be the victor, to be the protagonist, our choice is aways the product of our nature and role in the greater harmony itself.

We will play all roles and be both the good guys and the bad guys.

And in the End, when we no longer see opposition and evil opposing us, it is the sign that we are taking the role of the ultimate Protagonist, who is God.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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