Gunts of our Wives

2 years ago

Track 8 from Shitcoin Market Crash


Well oh Nora
Ohhhh you need that gunt
Ohhhh you want that gunt
Aaaand I'm comin' home

I first groomed Nora right from the school
Waited till she was 18 cuz I ain't no fool
We got married, it was supposed to last
Then she left for the UK once she grew a bust

Marriage got aborted so I broke in a horse
Jcaesar's ex-child bride got a need for intercourse
Yeah, that skank Nora, she's drownin' in seed
So I wank the memphis micro to cuck porn till it bleeds

Well oh Faith
Ohhhh you need that gunt
Ohhhh you want that gunt
Aaaaand I'm thumbin' you

Well oh Faith
Yeaaaaah you squeeze that gunt
Ohhhhhhh you peg that gunt
Ohhhhh, Yes, I'm whimperin' all night.....

Then I met Faith back in that school bus
Said she'd been gangbanged and I lapped up the crust
Fed her xanniberries, washed 'em down with hooch
She thought I loved her cuz I thumbed her gooch

Now she's all knocked up and I'm running for the hills
Though I gotta LARP as a catholic to pay the bills
So I saddle up, climb up on my pedo mare
Chase Faith off while pretending to care

Well oh pan-soooooo
Yeaaaaah you want that loli
Ohhhhhhh you need that loli
And I'm fertilizin' you

Well oh pan-soooooo
Yeaaaaah you want that loli
Ohhhhh you need that loli
Ohhhhh, yes, Vegas calls...

Now I'm on baby momma number two
Oh shit, oh fuck, what the hell can I do?
Crazy pedo bitch can't catch a goddamn clue
Treat her like shit, still sticks to me like she's glued

Why couldn't I have gotten with Soph instead?
Now I'm in Mexico gettin' head
From two peso hookers while Meigh's with the piglet
Stuck in this hellhole till I drop dead...

Well oh Harooooooooo
Ohhhhh you need that chair
Ohhhhh you want that chair
And I'm dreamin' of you

Well oh Harooooooooo
Yeahhhhh you want that chair
Ohhhhhh you need that chair
Ohhhhh, Yes, I'm creamin' to you....

Music (extremely low quality):​​


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