Will Father Frank Pavone join the ranks of Canceled Priests?

2 years ago

Is Father Pavone disobedient or justified in his resolve to focus on pro-life ministry? What is Pavone's official title? Is he still a priest? Is there any chance he can appeal the laicization? What are his next steps? Find out the answer to these questions and more in this exclusive interview.

In this interview you will hear important background information including Father Pavone's perspective.

Note. As of filming this episode, Father Frank has not received any official communication from the Vatican or from the Apostolic Nuncio addressing is apparent laicization.

About the Show: Truth, Culture, Life with Royce Hood and Friends - includes co-hosts Father Michael Orsi and Sierra Heitkamp.
Each show dives right in on the most pressing, important and at times unusual, issues of the day. Royce, Father Orsi and Sierra tackle faith, politics, cultural trends, and life-issues including the good, the bad and the just plain crazy. All from a conservative Christian prospective. Spanning three generations the co-hosts offer a refreshingly unique program that combines seriousness with well informed and humorous personalities. The show also features special guests and nationally known personalities from across the country.

Join Royce Hood along with co-hosts Father Michael Orsi and Sierra Heitkamp for Truth, Culture, Life.

This sidebar special episode features Royce Hood who is a conservative attorney and media producer. Learn more at TruthCultureLife.com or by visiting RoyceHood.com

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