A.B. CLUB- Reading LotR Chapter 1 A Long-expected Party ~

2 years ago

May this be the first meeting of the A.B. club! That's what I just now came up with trying to think of how to title this video, and it means Audio Biblio. I need to read more and I want to share books and stories and I also want to work on my elocution. Now there may be audio issues I cant fix because I dont have pro equipment, but I hope to bring more out of myself through this endeavor both for myself and for anyone who may want to listen to someone read a story. I begin reading at the 33m mark just about and there is a pause or issue 130 to 142. My apologies for those issues and the issue of my drawling speech (!) But the desire to record was unexpected as much as the party (and i also imbibed though i do not usually, which both slurred my mind and dried my mouth) Pardon any other issue you yourself may find but know that I do this not to be perfect or to gather large acclaim but just- well cause reading is fun!

If the audio is too low...... ehhhhhh you didnt miss anything its just about a party. If you really want a party, come to the second video! The audio and festivities both will be booming!

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